5 Of My Top Joe Dispenza Meditations

When I first got into meditating, I was looking for some guidance on how to properly do it. When I initially looked into the idea of meditating, I pictured sitting in silence for hours, and that sounded really daunting to me. 

Due to my lack of experience and knowledge on what meditating is, I decided to do some research and get some guided help to really understand the ins and outs of the practice. Upon research, I discovered Joe Dispenza. 

He is a neuroscientist that bridges the gap between the mystic idea of meditating and the science behind meditating. This way of thinking really helped me because there was science based evidence on ways that meditation was beneficial. Along with the science based facts, he had guided meditations that put all of his teachings into an active practice. 

I’ve used his meditations for probably five years now and I’ve had my fair share of practicing them and seeing how they have worked in my life for me, so I wanted to share my top five Joe Dispenza meditations that you can practice too. Based on the descriptions of the meditations, you can find similar resources on youtube or any meditation app to fit the same ideas. 

Generating Abundance 

Generating abundance is one of my favorite meditations from Joe Dispenza. It teaches you how to tap into the feeling of abundance, how to generate it, and how to attract more of it into your life. I like it because it can be difficult to understand and to navigate your mindset into a place that feels like abundance and in this guided meditation, it does exactly that. 

The way that I’ve seen this work out in my own life is when I’m actively using this specific meditation. I see my mind is more open to possibilities, I see my mindset shifts into a way where anything is possible, and I see more good things happen to me.

From a more psychological standpoint, this makes sense because you’re shifting from a lack mindset too and abundant or growth mindset. This idea just inherently switches your whole energy to a state of receiving, and that is the whole dynamic of this meditation. It’s made me feel more uplifted, more positive, and I find myself focusing more on the good with this meditation. 

Changing Boxes 

In the changing boxes meditation I have found this to be really helpful when I get in my head and I start ruminating about a problem that I’m having. Essentially in this meditation, you are in a box with your problem and then you are simultaneously creating a box beside the box that you’re in where the problem doesn’t exist. 

You then go out of your problem box into an open space where nothing exists. There’s no time, no place, nothing, and you get into a place of peace and calm within yourself. Once you get into that headspace of calm, you go into your new box where the problem doesn’t exist and you feel that energy of what it would feel like to not have that problem. 

I personally think this is one of the best meditations for people that overthink because it is so easy for us to think ourselves into so many problems, and with this meditation you really have the opportunity to get yourself out of that problem and see what that feels like. It also really gives you the time to question, “ Is this really a problem?”

So not only is it a practice of feeling what it feels like to not have so many problems all the time but it also gives you space to question the things that you’re overthinking. I’ve seen this work out in my life  whenever I’m overthinking, I see that little box where the problem doesn’t exist and I move through problems a lot quicker. So overall, it has really sped up my problem-solving skills.

Tuning Into New Potentials 

Tuning into new potentials is a meditation that is a little bit more intense. This meditation is a bit longer, it’s about an hour, and it really teaches you how to shift your mindset, your body, and your energy as a whole into different potentials that you want in your life. This is nice because for an over-thinker I think it’s easy to overthink decisions or things that you want, and in this meditation you have two clear things that you’re trying to bring into your life. Whether that’s a job, a relationship, a problem to solve, or anything that you want and you solely focus on those two things. I

It’s an hour long of breath work and Just relaxing and it’s a good way to calm your body down. Whenever you overthink and you get into that anxious state where it is difficult to get yourself out of your own head, I think that this meditation is really good for helping with that because it’s longer so you are able to relax longer. It guides you very well to only focus on things that you are trying to bring into your life, and I think that’s really helpful as an over-thinker to have a more guided intention on what you want.

Blessing Of The Energy Centers 

Blessing of the energy centers. Meditation is essentially a full body scan on all seven of your chakras. Even if you’re not into chakras and more spiritual things, I’ll tell you why this meditation works for overthinking too. 

Overall, this whole meditation you’re going through seven different energy points in your body, and you are feeling the energy around it. You are putting solid attention into all seven parts of your body, and it is a good way to essentially do a full body scan to check in with yourself and how you’re feeling. When you’re doing a full body scan, it is nice to see different places in your body where you might be storing some anxiety or some backed up energy from just anxiety itself. 

I know I’ve mentioned before, but whenever I have anxiety the way that I know that it’s getting bad is if it goes from my head into my body. So this meditation has helped me with overthinking because I’m able to do a full body scan and check in with all of those different points of my body where my anxiety can hide. 

It’s nice because when you notice it, you can breathe through it. You can let that energy that’s  blocked by your anxiety and overthinking and move through it. You can leave that session and meditation feeling so much lighter and knowing that you helped your body out. It’s also something that just like any other meditation you can bring into your day to day life, so if you find yourself feeling anxious you can do a quick body scan and work through it.

Walking Meditation 

Another cool part of Joe Dispenza’s meditations is that he has walking meditations. I find this is really good if maybe overthinking leads to some anxiety that makes laying down or sitting down difficult. Whenever you find yourself overthinking and needing some relief from that, I’ve done these walking meditations a couple times. I find that it’s really helpful for making that mind-body connection of moving while working through thoughts or focusing on the meditation.

 I find this meditation is useful when I want something different. I want to be in a different environment other than just my bedroom where I meditate, and I find that it brings in one of my favorite things which is movement to help with my overthinking. I believe that movement is medicine and whenever you move through things, you literally move through things and this meditation kind of helps you do that in a way where you’re moving, nothing is stagnant. Your mind isn’t stagnant, your body isn’t stagnant, and it helps me to move through things in a different way from his other meditations.

Overall, I have found that you can’t go wrong with any meditations that you try. I personally have just found a lot of success in my meditation practice with Joe Dispenza meditations. I enjoy a guided meditation and before you even jump into the meditation, you have an introduction in a description on what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and the science behind it which really aligns with how I work.  I like to know the why, I like to know the research behind it, and that is really engulfed in these meditations, which I appreciate. 

However, with that being said, based on the information I provided about what each of these meditations do you can find different resources on YouTube or on any meditation app. You do not have to buy meditations to have a practice. You cannot go wrong with your meditation practice because whatever you put into it, you will surely get out of it.


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