5 Compliments To Give Yourself Today

Filling your own self up with love and compliments are some of the most important and frequent words you should hear. The way you speak to yourself, and more importantly what you believe about yourself, is an important part of your day. For a long time when I was stuck in an overthinking trap, it was difficult to find things about myself that I did like. Because of this, I had to practice. 

One day I wrote out 100 things I loved about myself and I hung it on my wall. I looked at it, and honestly for a long time did not believe it. Looking back, I think starting small may be a better option if this is a new practice for you too.

To make it one step easier, I listed 5 categories to create compliments to yourself. Steal my ideas, or make your own, but if we only have 5 choose ones with conviction and give these to yourself each day and you will be surprised what you start to believe. 


If you are like me, your mind is busy. It’s hard to hear good things about yourself, but it is there. This category may arguably be the most important, as it is the very thing we are trying to re shape. Your mind is a muscle, just like anything else in order to change we have to remind it over and over of the thing we are working to redirect. Choose something you love about your mind, and focus on loving that instead of trying to fix so many things about it. 

I love how I speak to myself 

I love my creative thoughts 

I love how my brain works 

I love how self compassionate my mind is 

I love how my mind comes up with solutions 


What your mind believes about your body is important as well. Your body has so much love for you, that all it does is try to keep you healthy and strong. That in itself is incredible. It is easy to compare and wish we appeared a certain way, but the body that you have been given houses all the parts of you that are good, bright, and growing. You can create an environment to treat your body like a flower and water it and care for it as you would something so delicate. Choose what you love about your body. 

I love how strong my body is 

I love how my body keeps me healthy 

I love how my body looks 

I love all my body does for me 

I love that I allow my body nutrients and rest 


Your soul is the force that makes you human. Your mind may go into overdrive and think about the bad, disliking who you are, or remind you of things that make your soul hurt. But feeling any of those things at all, is what a soul is. It is the means to feel, the drive to do differently, and the closest thing you have to feeling life itself. It’s a big part of you that makes you who you are. You are created by so many wonderful things, choose one to love and expand on. 

I love who I am 

I love my gentle spirit 

I love the life I’ve created 

I love how love feels 

I love how relaxed I feel 

Your Future 

Doing one thing today for your future self is the kindest act you could do. Everything you have right now is because of past versions of you. The best gift you can give yourself in the future is developing a strong sense of self who genuinely accepts good things about yourself. Self acceptance is something that is quite rare, and can start at any point. Becoming 1% better and loving and accepting who you are 1% more each day, will add up to be something very meaningful. What makes you love your future? 

I love what I’m doing now for my future self 

I love the excitement of my goals 

I love my self today so my future self can feel love too 

I love the life I have now and will have in the future 

I love how much growth I will have in the future 


Love is one of the highest frequencies aside from authenticity. I’d argue that you can’t be authentic without love first thought. Loving yourself and speaking genuine kindness to yourself is pure authenticity. To love yourself allows you to love others and to give and accept love, it all starts with the love you have for who you are. It is easier said than done, it is a practice to build up the love for yourself. But just as you love sleeping in, rainy days, or the beach you can love yourself just as effortlessly. What do you love about yourself? 

I love how good you are at running 

I love how good you are at writing 

I love how good you are with your words 

I love how good you are at your job 

I love how good you are at keeping your word

Start here, follow these 5 categories, practice this for 90 days and watch how the way you speak to yourself and feel about yourself blossoms. :) 


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