If You Could Tell Yourself One Thing, What Would You Remind Yourself About Your Value?

Being on the other side of having a mind that created negative self-talk, I see this question a lot differently than I did when I was in the midst of my low self esteem era in life. In answering this question, I would do it in a way of expressing what I would tell myself at my worst based on what I know now. 

To my past self:

If I could remind that version of myself of one thing that makes her valuable, I would say that your voice is important and your value is not in your thoughts, it’s in what you choose to do with those thoughts.

It’s easy to get dragged down when all you hear is negativity about yourself and your life in your head, but please know you are capable to change anything in your life at any point. Don’t listen to those thoughts. Notice them, challenge them, be consistent with doing that, and they will be redirected.

Please understand that the voice you have, is everything. Even at this point in time when the voice in your head is telling you that you are not important, you don’t deserve to be heard, and what you’re wanting to say doesn’t matter I want you to know that it does. That hateful voice in your head is wrong, and the words running through your head don’t have to be what you accept. 

A lot of your harsh thoughts created this barrier of a belief that what you had to say wasn’t important, and it made you quiet. I know this has become really harmful when you weren’t okay with something, or you did want something different for yourself. This negative way of thinking created a big cloud that made using your voice harder, but use your voice anyway even when you feel unequipped.

I would remind myself that you are not your thoughts, and even though your thoughts are telling you one thing you still deserve to be heard if something doesn’t sit right with you. Even though your mind tells you that you’re not valuable, your words and what you need is. Your voice is valuable and to keep practicing speaking up for yourself. It is okay to be a quiet person, but when you need to say something or want to, you owe that to yourself to use the voice that you do have.  

At this current point in my life I would remind myself to maintain the way you speak to yourself now. The self compassion you’ve gathered is the most valuable thing you have gained, and it has made such a difference in how you view yourself. Be proud of the admiration you have for yourself, and there is value in doing work to make yourself better and kinder. Keep up the consistency in checking in with yourself and what you need, and continue to use your voice to speak kindly to yourself and appreciate how the world looks when you do that.


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