How Does It Feel To Finally Be Still?

When you’re running, you miss a lot of things. In some instances, you’re going around in circles, stuck on the same automated path, sometimes the desperation to catch your breath overrides the center that you are capable of feeling when running.

Ironically, running can be freeing, but to run is to have direction. To be chased is anything but freeing. Chased by the consumption of disorganzied thinking, running blind into the arms of anything you approached first, living with an empty soul that was being filled up with anything but yourself.

The thing about stillness after running is that you have to adjust to the loudness that silence presents. To go from drowning to breaking surface requires you to look at your reflection from above the surface for the first time. To look down into your waters and see how low you were. To even consider that you exceeded running and went to drowning. The stillness you meet tends to mimic water itself, it is clear then dries up and gives and it takes.

The part that no one tells you is its a solo adventure to wade through your waters-no one tells you that because there’s no voice inside to tell you anything. The silence you hear in your heart is a direct invitation for you to meet yourself. It is chance to let things come up and navigate the waters towards the path that is paving its way to building your heart.

Stillness allows you to put the outward world where it belongs, and gives you the key to lock up the important parts of you into a safe oasis. Where the only people who have the key are those that have conquered their waters too.

Being still gives me the clarity I need to see everything for what it is and observe. Stillness saved me from drowning deeper into what I’m not and build me up into who I choose to be. I welcome silence and stillness as an opportunity to learn-so that I can now swim without drowning and run freely without being chased. I feel at home and being still brought me here.


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