What Passion Or Sense Of Caring Is At The Source Of Your Disappointment?
I think disappointment has many layers, and a part of that can be passion or caring. While there is a negative side to disappointment I think it’s fair to explore passion and caring as a source of disappointment too.
This isn’t an approach I typically take to disappointment, so I was excited to think about this question. When I think about times I have been disappointed in myself or a situation I do think there’s a layer of deep caring of the situation. If it was something regarding myself or something I wanted to do I can acknowledge a sense of passion about wanting myself to do well.
I think what makes the sense of caring vs disappointment seeming more negative is all about the execution of how the disappointment is handled. I think if you handle your disappointment with high expectations, self-destructive behaviors, or lashing out is safe to say disappointment will remain in a stagnant, unchanged state.
However, if you are looking at disappointment from a state of caring I believe the disappointment can be transformed into doing better next time, thinking of what you could do differently, and using it as more of a learning experience instead of a way to beat yourself up.
This can be said for a lot of emotions, and shows how much mindset can shift how we view something that can be deemed negative. Your mindset and reaction to things will be shown in the outcome of how you react to certain emotions. In the theme of disappointment, it can be easy to accept the negative view of it and feel down about something when you are experiencing disappointment.
However, with a shifted mindset of viewing disappointment as caring about how well you do in something or wanting better for yourself, you can take this universal feeling and add an optimistic twist to it. When something is built on caring or passion, good things can grow from it. You can expand as a person, you can feel free to make mistakes and try again, and you can reflect in a way that is safe.
Anything rooted in negativity or expectation will be the same. Negative roots will bloom negative results, fear, anger, and confusion. Looking back at times I have been disappointed, I believe I leaned more towards this root of negativity and viewing it with a lot of shame.
It’s natural to feel disappointed in things, but at a deeper level assessing your root of negativity or positivity will dictate how your disappointment transforms or destroys who you are afterwards. I am choosing to bloom in positivity and grow and learn from my disappointment. You can always learn from your feelings and it can very well be done in a kind way.